
I just can't believe in his 2011 best of list he had "The Town".  Am I the only one who thinks that movie was an overrated piece of shit?  Its Bostonian Douchebaggery at its worst!

You got served, Battle of the Year!! Or in Cartman's words, "You just got fucked in the ass!"

You're a cock-sucking and ass-licking uncle fuckaaa! You don't eat or sleep or mow the lawn, you just fuck your uncle all day long!  [fart noises] Hey! Whats going on here! [symphony of fart noises]

You may want to pray lightly.

2015:  Goodfellas Too starring John Mayer, Dane Cook, and Ben Affleck.

Oswalt is changing peoples hearts and minds with those poignant tweets! I was a dumb redneck conservative, and now I'm an athiest,as well as an earth-loving, liberal. The progress you're making in the world can't be measured!

I think everyone forgot that Walt has cancer.  My bet is that the cancer will be what kills him.  Its not fresh in the viewers collective memory.  When the show started that was the main storyline, that Walt was only doing this because of cancer, and thats why we loved and tolerated his decisions.  Now, over the

I can't stand Kanye and I really want to hate his music.  So yeah, I just go ahead and hate it because I think he's a pompous ass, and it comes through to his voice.

Hey, maybe it was a coincidence.

You are right, I can't bring myself to watch it totally based on the previews.  I can't possibly imagine liking it, so I'm not going to even give it a chance.  If I'm wrong i'll live with it.

I'm with you.  Its hard to explain as I think she's good looking.  The problem is, she's aware of how "cute" "indie" and "adorable" everyone thinks she is, so she plays it up. Whenever I see an ad for New Girl it makes me want to vomit.

I'm politically left of center, and I sometimes agree with Maher, but mostly I think he is a pompous asshole.  When he has people on his show that happens to not agree with him, he tries to get the dumb celebrities on his side to gang up on them.  If you're so sure of your ideals, why don't you argue fair with your

I really get a gooey and warm feeling when thinking about these puns.

Hopefully the puns will be all over the map, specifically the map of hawaii that they spray on their victims.

You're tearing me apart meow!!!!  Oh hai meow.

You're tearing me apart meow!!!!! Oh hai Meow.

I actually like the premise of the show, and enjoyed the seasons with "regular people" as opposed to the celebrities.  But now since tv execs rightly assume the viewing audience are fucking idiots for the most part, we get to see a celebrity circus that doesn't have much to do with business.  Look at Gordon Ramsay's

Van Halen, we're looking in your direction.

If he dies… he dies.

Its just, "Bingo".