
Who gives a shit about what was deemed cool? It wasn't as complex as you make it seem, there was an explosion of amazing, authentic music. It was on the radio and on the tv, so nobody gave a shit about listening to SST bands. The underground reared its head into the mainstream during this time. It was punk, it was

I hated the end, but I thought Morgan was solid. He definitely mastered the "Charismatic psycho" better than anyone before him like the governor. He had a presence about him that I liked.

William Money, you just shot an unarmed man!

Nahnoo Nahnoo

Waiting is a great song!

Love the line, "… suburban kids who had only just learned to love self-loathing"

"Tell her I have a rapist's wit."

Was it "The Max" from Saved by the Bell? Thats my choice. Tiffany Amber Theisan would join me as well.

"I suggest you rape lightly" - Walter White

I'm a huge sucker for these documentaries. Being from the Detroit area, I especially enjoyed "Searching For Sugar Man" and "A Band Called Death". This article is right, though. On "A Band Called Death" they do make it seem like they started punk rock, but they never even mention The Stooges or MC5 who are from

I have heard that Yorke was a Buckley fan, I hadn't actually heard that particular story, which is pretty cool, but don't you think Thom Yorke's vocals in "Fake Plastic Trees" are better than Buckley's in "Hallelujah"?
My answer would be yes, and thats because Yorke uses restraint and then when he really wants it to

I think we both agree, but I'd say Yorke comes off as passionate. Can a person really be "sincerely pretentious"? I would argue that sincerity and pretentiousness can not exist together. Either way, we agree, and are just arguing over semantics.

I totally agree with KJB's assessment. I feel the same way about Matthew Bellemy from Muse. They both oversing to impress, whereas Thom Yorke's singing might be catergorized in the same group but he doesn't come off as pretentious or sound like he's oversinging (though Yorke does seem pretentious when he talks

The John Mayer / Keith Urban guitar solo-off was the cheesiest thing I've ever seen! At that point I was thinking, "Is this a tribute to the Beatles or a mocking insult?"

Who is this? Is this Wilt Chaimberland?

I've been meaning to talk to you about this. You're going to want to lay low for a little while. You may be wanted for sales figures fixing.

Actually, the tits did help for me.

You nailed it! You did forget to mention Birdemic though.

It's going to be called, "Meet the Doping Focker". Lance Armstrong tries to impress his intimidating father-in-law by winning the Tour De France 8 times and milking a cat, but ends up in a web of lies. Rated PG-13.

No mention of Wa-Wild and Crazy Kids?