
Yes a total joke!  The governor of MI told Detroit he was going to appoint a city emergency manager to take over their finances if they didn't have a plan to make some changes.  All they had to do was make a plan, and they couldn't do it, then they complained about getting the manager.  If your elected leaders can't

Yes a total joke!  The governor of MI told Detroit he was going to appoint a city emergency manager to take over their finances if they didn't have a plan to make some changes.  All they had to do was make a plan, and they couldn't do it, then they complained about getting the manager.  If your elected leaders can't

@avclub-734ffb84cfa214922893511fae356b45:disqus Or if they can see your radio through your window and have a blunt object.  I've seen this happen at the Magic Stick on numerous occasions for cars that park on the street.  Luckily I have not been a victim!

@avclub-734ffb84cfa214922893511fae356b45:disqus Or if they can see your radio through your window and have a blunt object.  I've seen this happen at the Magic Stick on numerous occasions for cars that park on the street.  Luckily I have not been a victim!

Detroit is a huge city area-wise, so they are trying to put the urban farming in the outskirts (where most of the crime and violence goes on).  I don't know if its going to become this huge thing, but I know people who are growing hops and brewing beer, and apparently that is gaining momentum.  Downtown is looking

Detroit is a huge city area-wise, so they are trying to put the urban farming in the outskirts (where most of the crime and violence goes on).  I don't know if its going to become this huge thing, but I know people who are growing hops and brewing beer, and apparently that is gaining momentum.  Downtown is looking

Lets go Tigers!

Lets go Tigers!

You are correct McGilicuddy. I was off a year or two, but his heyday was this century.  Now pass me a small bottle of your cheap mint schnapps.

I celebrate the guy's entire catalogue, but the two albums I listen to the most are, White Blood Cells and Broken Boy Soldier by the Raconteurs.  Good for Jack White for getting a number one album.  He is definately the most original and unique rock personality to emerge so far this century.

They forgot to mention the millions of people who came down with a case of Raging IgnorantIllogicalRacistStupidititus from watching a certain cable news channel for more than 10 minutes a day.

I have to totally disagree
I admit I was turned off at the name at first, but Paste.com has been streaming the album, and I think its incredible. This review pretty much says the same thing the Pitchfork review says, except in a thousand less words, that there is too much production and not enough hooks. Are you

They filmed this in Pontiac, Michigan, which I drive through every day. They had all of the storefront awnings with chinese writing, and had ration card places. It looked pretty cool, but I guess that will be cut out. I don't see it being any good without a teenage Patrick Swazy anyway.

@The Archmage of the Aether

So if you had a product that you put your heart and soul into and you needed it to be distributed, but the big companies we're overpricing it, you would rather people just steal your product just to spite the evil corporations, and recieve nothing for it? Its amazing how people try to justify stealing. I don't agree

While I totally abhor Bon Jovi's music, I have to agree with him that its sad to lose the whole process of buying a record or cd and looking at the artwork, and not knowing if its going to totally suck or be great. I think he's wrong to blame Jobs though, its just technology. I'm sure some people missed churning

How about a list of worst to best albums, with your least favorite song from each album, here's mine:

@Boognish In Rainbows gets an F? You're tripping!

@fakeplastictree and breathwash, good call on Let Down, that is possibly my favorite song of all time.

OK Computer
In Rainbows
The Bends
Kid A
Hail To The Theif - I love this album, except for songs 7-11, if they had left those out, it would probably be in the top 3.
Pablo Honey