
THAT'S WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE? I genuinely couldn't stop laughing - Rogelio keeps me young.

yes thanks - I've no idea where I got Holland from.

This show has justified its existence purely by that Devil's three-way scene back in one of the earlier episodes. It's a lot of fun but if they ditched the procedural elements, it could be great. Also Tom Holland is great at being light and quippy but also brings the anger/pain when needed.

Are you saying that your hard dick is as important as representation for girls who too often feel invisible and overlooked in society because they're not a size 2? Gee sir, you must have one of those magical penises I've been hearing so much about - congratulations!

I'm just spitballing here, but perhaps her father?

I think ''Flip flop'' was supposed to be dramatic and somber moment for Jamal but I cannot stop laughing about it - reminds me of Liz Lemon: ''why did you have to offend the gay community? It is the most organised of all communities''.

How fitting is it that the last words Charles Mahoney heard before he died were ''Annalise Keating''? After you screw over Anna Mae your days are numbered.

''I thought you stopped drinking?''…''I did, hand me the bottle!'' Drunk, wisecracking Annalise is the best.

Yael Groblas is amazing. That quick change from surprise at Rafael finally wanting Petra to her sudden disappointment when she realised that just like always it was about Jane was heartbreaking. Petra is neither second class nor second choice!

I can speak from personal experience as well as from what people I know have gone/are going through. A lot of professionals, particularly in the medical field, suffer from it and its not even really well disguised at this point anymore. I'm not someone who tends to complain a lot about this stuff, I think this may be

I'm from Dublin with foreign parents who are Muslim, though I'm not really myself. Ireland has always been extremely racist, in my experience at least, but it has gotten exponentially worse over the past couple of years. I know plenty of people who complain about Trump but spout the same racist intolerant comments he

Hey Perd Hapley!

I liked it, and I thought Admission, the movie she did with Paul Rudd was pretty solid as far as rom-coms go.

I agree with everything you said in theory, but I see the name Tina Fey anywhere and I'll watch the movie, even though I'd probably be completely put off if anyone else starred in it. I'm a hypocrite that way.

I definitely cracked up at ''I just gave you my virginity woman, cool your jets!''

Amy Poehler.

It can be two things.

''Is your social worker in that horse?'', will go down as an all time classic line.

Maybe then A Blaffair to Rememblack would have gotten some love.

Oh really? I have no memory of that - perhaps that's an excuse to rewatch the good ol' days of this show. I found out recently that he died last year though which was quite sad. He was an amazing actor.