
That is the most spectacular idea I have ever heard! I would give my first born to see him debate Trump. Colbert's quit witted quips would be beautiful.

The recap was brilliant. ''Rafael had recently gotten closer to his ex-wife Petra. In fact he was downright into her lately!'' followed by a clip of them having sex. Oh narrator how I adore you!

I just finished rewatching Hannibal again, and everytime I see you commenting on stuff it makes me sad. Then happy that you're at least still out there. So congratulations you are still continuing your legacy of fucking with the people who love you's feelings!

Oh feminism is garbage, why have I never thought that before, thank you kind sir for educating me! You're one of the good ones.

Kellyanne has taught you well in the art of the pivot, she'd almost be proud if she was capable of mustering up any semblance of true human emotion.

Depends, what's Dexter doing these days?

''Let me go wash my balls''.
''Keep em dirty''.
''Carol Pilbasian Miller-"
''Just kidding, please wash them!''

Nah it's the blonde one's right breast.

Crossfire and Jon Stewart on tv in the same night. I feel like there's a joke there about it being 2004 again but I'm too lazy to find it.

I hope, that like CaroI, I too can one day be lucky enough to be someone's supermodel porn.

I loved this episode. The one liners were on point and more Jeremy is always a good thing. Who needs Jeremy Renner when you have Jeremy Reed indeed. Bonus points for the hidden musical talent, banjo skills notwithstanding.

My first thought was of that Angel episode, this episode seemed extremely similar.

I remember studying in the library and choking on my water when listening to the explicit version of I'm so good at yoga. ''I orgasm instantly'' was replaced with ''I cum vaginally''. A personal favourite for me.

Chloe did chastise Lucifer, what with the repetition''don't touch the charred crotch''. She's a cool bird.

''But a boy is what you got mother!''. Jeremy's advice to Leo to use true pain was hilarious. This show needs a lot more of him!

In season 1, I think, she was described as being a fiscal conservative social liberal. I remember because it was the opposite of Dennis Duffy's political views.

That is perfectly understandable.

This was a fantastic finale to a brilliant first season, hopefully not the last. I had to pause when Claire just walked out in the middle of Dean's dramatic speech, I was laughing so hard.

I have a weird compulsion where, once I start watching a show, I follow it to the bitter end. Dexter almost killed me and now it seems Empire and Scandal are here to finish off the job. Joshua's reviews are the last link connecting me to the remaining thread of my dwindling sanity.