
They also have him and Kelly Bishop in the same show and have done nothing with it. That could be a great pairing, for nostalgia's sake if nothing else.

I'm disappointed with how the show is wasting Cary. He was my favourite character for a while, and Matt Czuchry, proved how great of an actor he is during the whole jail/trial subplot, but they have to give him some good material to work with. The same goes for Diane. The show is really squandering their talent and

That escalated quickly.

Great idea, one quick suggestion, Steve Buscemi? See 30 rock as his audition tape.

I never quite understood how the show, but especially all the Chuck fangirls completely ignored that he attempted to rape a girl, and instead believed he was the ideal man. It always really bothered me.

I think its clear Nick found his true soulmate tonight in not Cece's mom. I really hope those two crazy kids can make it work.

Never has a joke seemed more appropriate to a character than Boyle becoming infertile because he tried to stop a criminal crotch first.

Come on in the room Stu - we can't hear you in the doorway.

Did the jury know he hadn't seen Wrestlemania yet? That in itself should have led to a swift acquittal.

''What does inconsistent mean?'' was the worst for me. How could these people defend themselves when they couldn't even understand the basics of what was happening to them?

You mean Lance?

I wouldn't dream of making a statement that sweeping.

It depends on the severity of the infection as well as some other factors, but yes in some cases it can be as obvious as that. The operation itself….slightly more complicated. I wouldn't take my word for all of this though, I have exams starting from next week and I'm hanging around av club comment sections. I

I may have been thinking about it too hard, but I assumed that the doctors who had put those bodies in the body lockers', as Todd put it, may have dissected them to try and figure out the cause/physiology of the virus. If the organs etc were removed or formaldehyde used to fix the body, it would explain the lack of

Are you trying to say there's some kind of connection between Ben and Glory?

She is his godwife.

Yes in theory I did. The appendix is a very small organ and it doesn't look significantly different to the rest of the colon, particularly when its still the body. Add to that the fact that there are a lot of small arteries anastamosing around there, it was virtually impossible that Gail wouldn't have accidentally cut

You bring up interesting idea. Perhaps Liz Lemon survived the virus and finally gets to be with astronaut Mike Dexter?

I've dissected most parts of a cadaver, and even with a dead body I can't name a time someone didn't accidentally cut a small artery or something that shouldn't be cut, particularly around abdominal organs. It's not an easy job. I should probably add that I'm in med school.

Because that would take the mystery and romance out of it, and we'd end up bitter and angry, sniping at each other until we choked to death on our own vitriol. At least that's what I assume marriage is like?