
Jim Parson's really brings the smoulder when he needs to. Between this and the kiss on the train, I feel like I've been attracted to Sheldon two times too many.

Or make love? It is christmas after all, and creepy pansexual mascots also have needs.

The director said they were going to make it easy for Dean and shoot the scene in Idaho, when he was trying to convince him to do it.

I like how the show is focusing on Michael as a character rather than everything being about his relationship with Jane, he's a very interesting character in his own right. The reveal about Luisa's mother being a crime boss makes me hopeful for more Michael and Luisa scenes, I still laugh when I think of his

It was originally, but now I feel like the whole original comment could apply.

You think? I should probably stop saying it to all my sexual partners then.

I'm very cynical about the world and people as it is, put me through the ringer like that and you can bet my trust issues will lead to some dickhead behaviour.

No one wants your dirty uterus.

Title of my sex tape.

I would love for the Amy being attracted to Boyle thing to be a recurring feature. I didn't realise before now how much I need to see Jake's reaction to that.

I hope that's not where they're going, Sudeikes deserves better. Although seeing as the two used to date in real life, it's very likely.

I think that's mostly true for people in general. It's fair to assume if everyone had to go through the trauma of losing everyone close to them and living in post apocalyptic society, those flaws and asshole-ish tendencies would become even more pronounced.

He's confident in his sexuality!

I can see Adam choosing Faith, thus allowing him to continue seeing Rachel relatively guilt free. At least I hope that's what happens. Faith story has been the most interesting out of any of the girls.

Hannibal helped them, I'm sure he knows exactly how many volts to apply to a man's prostate to extract sperm.

A dead baby coming out of a pig and a face being peeled off is perfectly fine, but a glimpse of exposed nipple needs to be covered in blood. NBC ladies and gentlemen.

Any time I see them on screen together, I just can't help screaming ''kiss him you fool, he loves you too!''

No love for Britta's Aubrey Plaza impersonation?

She had one dream…

Rogelio's face when Jane said she was texting Michael was priceless. Nice to see he's still looking out for his brogelio. Hopefully Michael survives and has a torrid affair with Petra if Jane chooses Rafael. His baby playlist works just as well as their ''doing it'' soundtrack.