deborah hymes

Now that you mention it, the friendship with Lucca is the only thing I like about Maia. Just realizing that those scenes are the only time Maia isn't working my last nerve with her scratchy, mousy little voice and the terrible American accent.

Agreed. I know she's popular with a lot of viewers, but I don't get it, myself. To me, she's very lackluster, bordering on irritating. I want to shake her and say SPEAK UP! Now that the Ponzi scandal is unwinding, I'm hoping they get rid of her and give the screen time Barbara.

Oh, will somebody PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give Elsbeth Tascioni her own spin-off already???? Now *that* would be appointment tv!

No, IT would never insert a hacker's flash drive into a networked computer. The whole point of IT is they've got standalone machines specifically for testing and dissecting random stuff.

It's called (wait for it!) . . . The Good Wife Theme. Composed by David Buckley. ;)

Yes, I noticed the same thing. Aside from the produce vendor and the publisher's office, Elementary's world is drab and dreary. It especially bothers me in Joan's bedroom. Her office in the dark, dank basement is more warm and inviting than the place she sleeps. And when you look at how lovely both of her apartments

I get that Laurie has demoted Monica to a lesser office, but giving her a urinal's-eye-view of every guy on the first floor seems more like sexual harassment than punishment.

I know! It's like The Doctor has never met us before.

//[Joan's] quiet assurance never wavers. When she’s well on the side of the law, she has no doubt of her course; neither does she doubt herself when she’s skirting legalities. It’s honestly one of the reasons I’m always wishing we had more glimpses into her psychology.//

It seems like Elementary's universe is populated with a much higher percentage of left-handed criminals and ne'er-do-wells than in the world at large. The leftie-clue thing is starting to feel like lazy plotting to me. Ditto the Let's-Frame-Marcus-for-Something-He-Obviously-Didn't-Do storylines.

LOVE him on Episodes. In my mind, that character was Russ having a psychotic break and posing as a studio head. Then after appropriate hospitalization, he returned to Silicon Valley, where he's a reasonably high-functioning psychopath.

//Is it weird that this season I'm just rooting for Gavin Belson?//

OMG, that would be awesome. And he would create it so haplessly, for noble reasons. And it would be a total shitstorm.

It gets old/annoying sometimes, but it's an indicator of shared history within tightly knit groups. And if done well, it can indicate shared sensibilities between disparate groups. So kind of fun for character development. But sometimes it seems like the writers are just showing off.

MLP casually removing those dom-heels while asking Chuck about all his dirty little secrets was the best thing I've seen on TV all week.

That was beyond creepy. And then later, in one of his 26(?) voicemail messages to Lara, he says that he'll erase Wendy's existence from their lives, if Lara wants him to — it actually made me fear for Wendy.

//I'm convinced the only reason Wendy is attached to Axe Capital is because at some point Bobby and her are going to sleep together. Wendy has always been a tennis ball between these two men, I don't see what other end game there could be with her placement there.//

I played it twice but couldn't quite make out the comment. What did they say, exactly?

I watch on GeekTv or Couchtuner. Free streaming. They have shows from all networks, including premium cable.

Ah, got it. I always watch it on Geek TV or Couchtuner, so I didn't realize that the episode hasn't actually aired yet. Thank you!