deborah hymes

//(This makes me wonder if they shouldn't try to find a way to set more episodes on the TARDIS.)//

Recognized River right away, of course, but I had to do a bit of research to even figure out who the other picture was. I keep hoping the Doctor's daughter is going make an appearance!

That's a fantastic summary of the show's premise!

Which is why we keep tuning in!

Does anyone know if/when there will be a review thread for the next episode after this one? Looking for episode 19, "High Heat", that aired Sunday night, 4/9/17.

//That said, I just can't help but not want the rest of this season to resolve around a pregnancy, especially for Hannah. I've never seen having a baby as the natural ending point for Hannah's character development; there are so many better, more subtle ways to show that she's grown than giving her a baby. So far

Exactly! And it wasn't a random detail — it's Every. Single. Window. So clearly, meant to signify something about the character. Is it exemplifying the world view of a narcissist? Is it showing a man so trapped within his own mind/world that he can't even see other perspectives, let alone be influenced by them?

For a split second I was afraid it as turtle-something. It looked disgusting.

"Jessa is sweetly myopic."

//Their coupling still makes sense to me. Both are too crazy to inflict on anyone else.//

I missed this entire bit, and I *still* would have guessed that this was exactly what they said!

This episode was so disappointing. The plot bounced around so much between big issues that it totally lost the specific world of Joan and Sherlock. There was practically no interaction between them, and certainly nothing that was crucial to the plot. You could have dropped any two TV characters into those roles, and

Me too. But the trailers piqued my interest so I read the book. Fantastic!

And that Marcus decided he could live with that.

I really thought he'd be there during the late-night-can't-sleep scene. His presence is very soothing. <3

//I can't wait to watch the next several eps with JLM's glorious shaved head!//

True. But she's just a bratty sib with abandonment issues. ;)

EXCELLENT use of Joan's wardrobe as a timeline marker for the past cases where Brunelle is repeatedly failing to capture and hold the dynamic duo's attention.

Exactly! So Sherlock failed in TWO ways. ;)