deborah hymes

You have forever changed my relationship to fried chicken.

Biiiiiiiiig Heeeeeeaaaaaaaad!!!

Wasn't he talking about what happened at Tech Crunch?

Quinn is shapeshifter-pregnant?!!

Yes, I'm rooting for Katherine Kelly to get her own show. I always feel like she's the real star of whatever show I'm watching her in!

//"They got me used to it" was horrifying and sad, and honestly made me think I wouldn't be upset either if she told Charlie he deserved a bullet. I was thinking about this a lot in the wake of reading "My Family's Slave"://

Yes, please!!

"Nardole, are you secretly a badass?"
"Nothing secret about it, baby doll."


It's kind of strange that the landlord made such a big deal out of the contract. Since it's a horror episode, I totally expected it to be some kind of "deal with the devil" thing — that the document actually gave him some kind of control over the tenants.

//Paul accepted politely and moved on.//

Plus the fact that he was the only one who thought Monica walked in the door yelling about her sex life. ;)

I believe the prevailing theory is mail robot.

It *is* perfect for his character. It's also racist as hell. I'm so glad the show isn't squeamish about going there.

Bill uses the TARDIS to move! Her practicality intertwined with her sheer glee at the unlikeliness of it all is one reason that Bill is quickly becoming my favorite companion.

Yep. These guys don't get out of bed for less than a quarter-million.

Capaldi has been my least favorite Doctor and now I am falling in love with him. THIS is the Doctor Who / companion combo — with sure-handed scripts — my heart has been longing for. I can't bear that it's only going to be for one season!


Add to the list:
- no chemistry with Maia

Well, the baseball bat was just in case her fierce attitude didn't stop them in their tracks. I had *no* trouble believing that Kalinda could kick the shit out of anybody she took on.