Flash Harry


Although I don't think Iannucci was directly involved, I watched the Brass Eye  Paedogeddon special yesterday. Holy fucking shit, that was some of the darkest, funniest satire I have ever seen.

I read the book recently, and the only parts that really appealed to me were the sections set in the trenches. Faulks has a gift for description. However, there seemed to be no unifying idea or story to the book. When it was published, was the First World War relatively ignored in Britain? Because I got the feeling

Is Slaughterhouse 5 representative of all his books? I'm not sure if that makes sense, but I felt more like he was writing it as therapy than as a novel. Not that that's a criticism.

I read Slaughterhouse 5, which I'm so conflicted about I can't really articulate my feelings.

@avclub-1b9a80606d74d3da6db2f1274557e644:disqus Seriously, have you ever posted a comment here that isn't denigrating Australia? Yes, we have our problems, but you're promoting an image of our country that was outdated in the 1970s.

I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about. Can you please enlighten me?

Let me guess. You watched about four episodes and gave up? Well, I read the first few pages of War and Peace - all that stuff about invitations and dancing? Boring.

Ha! Don't you know that song is sung by two colonials?

Although, I should add that in Australia the Danish version was shown on free to air TV. People still didn't watch it.

Yeah, that's my life philosophy!

Yeah, apart from the fact that The Killing was based on a Danish series that was actually quite good but will probably never be seen by most people because subtitles are hard.

Oh, it really isn't a difficult climb at all. It's about 2000 and something metres above sea level. Australia has shitty mountains.

Oh yeah, and I just got back from climbing Mt. Kosciusko, Australia's highest peak. Beat that, bitches.

Read The Crying of Lot 49 for the first time. I believe "holyfuckinshit" is the correct term.
Watched "Margin of Error" from The Wire. Afterwards turned on the news - the top story was the Queensland state election. Politics is the same shit the world over.
Missed the final of Homeland, and am struggling to find the

All this news does is make me want the HBO American Tabloid adaptation to happen.

Down with this sort of thing!

I'm definitely going to see this, along with A Separation, whenever they turn up in my corner of the world. I remember reading an early review saying this was somewhat similar to A Serious Man, the best film of 2009, which only makes me more excited.

One great TV show from 1986 that deserves to ranked alongside The Wire and Deadwood is The Singing Detective, a BBC miniseries written by Dennis Potter and starring Michael Gambon. I recently started watching it on DVD and although I'm only two episodes in it's one of the richest, funniest and most complex shows I've