Flash Harry

I've read about the murders themselves (along with the Bega schoolgirl murders, I found them incredibly disturbing by virtue of being familiar with the locations). It's just that I've received mixed messages about how gory it actually is. One review here said it was discretely done, another said it was all out gore.

At first I thought this was some Asylum-style knock-off. Any ideas about why they've changed the name from Snowtown
Alos, I haven't yet seen this film, mainly because I'm incredibly squeamish when it comes to true crime. Can anyone tell me how gruesome it gets?


It does, but sadly it's almost all shit.

@avclub-df80f70f60b1c678f8c91696f4a54f5f:disqus It was on Australian TV a few weeks/months ago, at midnight. I decided to record it, but my VCR (please don't make fun of me) broke about an hour after I made this decision. I guess it preferred being broken and thrown out to recording that film.

Ha! You're a real corker, you are!

A gimmick account using a pre-existing free-for-all account. I'm surprised this hasn't happened before.


Wow, I'm so glad you decided to tell others about this wonderful website! I'm heading over there right now. I probably won't post any more tonight - soon I'm going to be knee deep in clunge!

Oh shit. After watching last night's episode of The Straits, I'm never going to watch another minute. That was one of the shittiest things I've ever seen.

Hey, fellow Australian AV Clubbers! (Or should I say cobbers?) Has anyone else been watching The Straits? I don't think I've ever had such mixed feelings about a TV series - there's usually about one moment per episode that makes me think "This could be quite good" but then it all just ends up being crap.

@avclub-f3df38bea0571d15e376bda9c1245e59:disqus What's foreplay in Sydney? Saying, "Are you awake?"
What's foreplay in Tasmania? Saying "Are you awake, mum?

It's already been cancelled? That's awesome. I fucking hate Channel 9 - even more so now that they have Sherlock and insist on putting ad breaks in every other second.

Agreed. I'll now only watch an episode if it's a special, because they're usually good fun. However, I don't like the increasingly manufactured style of the specials - I much prefer it when things just happen to them, like the rednecks chasing them in the America special or James May falling over and hitting his head


Fuck, I hate anime.

Happy Australia Day everyone! Hope you've got your flag capes ready!