
I think you can safely remove anyone from your life who has ever said the word "meme" physically out loud in real life using their voice.

Yeah but she let a couple of plus sized ladies into the comp and then consistently kicked them all off in like the third week so don't EVEN accuse Tyra of not doing her bit for body image issues.

I never heard about this and the internet is very determined to let me know when anyone anywhere has said anything slightly racist, homophobic, transphobic etc.

Tyra is a beautiful, shouty female celebrity with like twenty half-assed careers in the entertainment industry, yet in a testament to her intense awfulness even the gays don't want anything to do with her.

And then they pause halfway through and just cuddle for ten seconds while they catch their breaths, Offerman nibbles Braughers ear…etc.

I'm literally masturbating right now, like I'm not making a joke here I'm actually masturbating.

I had a weird thing with Beyond Earth where if someone declared war on me there was literally no way to end the conflict. Like no one would accept any peace terms ever so it was all "ok so I'm going to be at war with this person for the rest of this endless game".


OMG what would it be like if the Peanut characters or the Muppets on Sesame Street grew up and like had sex and did drugs!??! Like I literally just thought of this entirely unique amazing premise that no one has ever done before!!!

I was wondering what issues people would have with this innocuous image on account of how 90% of all stuff on the internet is being getting outraged about Disney Princesses. A fourteen year old girl being less fat than a forty year old polynesian man apparently.

Some gay people actually find "queer" offensive and/or don't identify as "queer" despite being gay etc etc etc. Also for as long as I've been aware it has been LGBT (OR LGBTIQ currently) which roles off the tongue in my opinion.

Although Shame was a really terrible movie which didn't help.

Newsroom was one of those weird cable shows that stupid people in my office who absolutely would never watch any actually good cable show like Mad Men, The Wire, Breaking Bad etc would be really into for some reason. See also: Dexter, House of Cards, The Walking Dead, Sons of Anarchy etc.

"Look, I don't give a fuck" is a really sexy thing to imagine Daniel Craig saying!

Well my arm's not ok but that's just because of all the wristies I chuck out not because of any reaching I do in online comments about crappy DC comics.

I read the first three issues of Martian Manhunter and Cyborg and I honestly can't remember a single thing about either of them. DC's attempts to crank out Hawkeye or Ms Marvel or Spider Gwen style books has been pretty embarrassing in my opinion.

I took my friend who hadn't seen any other Marvel films to see Avengers 2 and she was all "why do they invite all their black superhero friends to their parties but won't let them join their superhero team?"

Also Thor had a dream for reasons I forget about swimming in a pool or something and then he was all "you guys I had a dream about a pool or whatever I have to take off" and then forty minutes later he came back and was all "aw yeah that dream meant something significant I guess but you have to pay money to see

It has it's moments but also it's kind of a confusing movie to think about because every time Taylor Johnson Johnson or whoever played Quicksilver appears on screen your brain goes blank such is his charisma black hole.