
Well the thing is kids already ARE super media literate. That's why advertisers have to go to do sneaky things like slip their products into the background of photos of 'lifestyle celebrities' on Instagram etc because young people have been exposed to this shit their whole lives and can spot ads and pandering a mile

In my bid to understand EVERYTHING I listened to a shit ton of K-pop for like a month. You can basically chuck the whole thing out in my opinion except for Girls Generation who are legit amazing.

Or more importantly GRANT MORRISON is also right there. You know the guy that wrote definitive runs on the Justice League and Batman and everyone's favourite Superman story.

I liked how my brain was all "aw Jodie Sweetin's in this, good for her" and "oh god Mischa Barton's doing Dancing with the Stars now? That's depressing as shit" simultaneously.

I agree, it was just as boring and mediocre as all his other "best since Scary Monsters!" albums that everyone gives a tongue bath then forgets about forever. The Next Day actually made best of the year lists which I found astonishing…I think maybe it was marketed really well?

Jesus fucking christ Rolling Stone

Nah dude it's 2015 and indie guitar bands are basically dead/for old people. Give me some weird-ass Radiohead yo.

It's seems strange that with the current glut of superhero franchises and genre young adult franchises no one's ever done anything with Runaways, Teen Titans, New Mutants, Young Avengers, Young Justice, Power Pack etc etc.

Aw poor Teen Titans. Their comic hasn't been good since like 1985. The guys that run DC hate the franchise to the extent that they actively give them the worst creative teams possible (Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth) and then murder half their characters every big event storyline. And now they can't even get a live action

There's something about his voice when he's being jokey in movies that is like nails on a chalkboard. He's like that one shitty kid you knew when you were like 13 who self nominated himself as the class clown and said lots of unfunny shit but in a smug 'aint i a stinker' voice.

From the trailer I saw before Star Wars the other day:

Farts are funny sometimes! All the marketing I've seen from this thing make it look like it was created in some sort of comedy vacuum.

They probably should have just made the headline: "Uh I don't know…maybe a racist thing happened with a contentious famous black celebrity. Like maybe you'll find something you can get outraged about in this thing? Probably not but click on the link anyway please?" Like it's late 2015, we all know how the internet

Uh forcing someone to watch sexual abuse is abuse. That's not really up for debate. "Rape narrative?"…fuck off?

After one of the marvel movies (Avengers 2?) me and my friend legit thought Captain America was gay and we were all happy about how Marvel had an openly gay character called Captain AMERICA and they had just chucked it out there like it was no big deal and we hadn't heard any backlash from the media about it and the

Aw blaxploitation Luke Cage is fun too much as I like this version.

I didn't find it that bleak. Like it's dark and shit but Jessica Jones herself is a pretty wry, funny character and there's lots of black comedy throughout.

This is such a weirdly angry article considering the house tone of the AVClub newswire is 'ironic detachment'. Like who the fuck cares??

I just checked mine and it's filled with messages from my little sister's stalker and one message from a guy I went to high school with asking for money for a course of alternate therapy for his kid's leukemia! Grim!