
The thing about Peter Sarsgaard is that I've literally seen his penis.

No that's not weird, fetishization of staying home, not unlike fetishization of most things on the Internet is not that cool? It's kind of like those people who fetishize "being an introvert" and post those "85 things jerk loudmouth extroverts don't understand about unique special snowflake introverts" type lists on

I didn't watch after season three like most other people in the universe I'm assuming. Did they ever explain why they all spent more than 2 years getting a degree from a shitty community college?

Seriously, all this endless wailing about Community cancellation we've all had as the background noise in our daily lives for the last half a decade. Happy Endings was a) much much funnier, b) never disappeared up its own asshole on a regular basis and c) only got three seasons.

Sex in movies from movies in the '70's always looks like it would be…smelly. Like maybe it's all the hair? All the browns and greens?

I thought the exact same thing! I also thought dogs and cats were the same species and dogs were the boys and cats were the girls.

< BRAG > I actually did find this album in a dollar bin a few years ago < /BRAG >

Mirage goes alright. It's at least as good as this Nicks Buckingham solo album in my opinion.

Like every single movie or whatever about a charming rogue/grifter who often gets in over his head ALWAYS begins with an In Media Res where he's getting beat up and there's a smarmy voice over saying some variation of: "see that schmo, that's me. Want to find out how I got in that situation?" Every single goddamn one.

I'm not confused at all…I'm aroused. That barely ambiguously homoerotic headline/image got me aroused.

More importantly what's up with that fucking horrible robin costume?

I'm a gay and I have only the vaguest idea of what Stonewall is and also I have no interest in seeing this movie mostly because 99% of all gay themed movies are fucking terrible. Am I an awful homosexual?

They need to find something new to do with Tim Drake. All of the other Robins and Batman sidekicks (and Jesus Christ are there a lot of those all of a sudden) have their niche but Tim is currently stuck as "Robin that's on Teen Titans" and Teen Titans has been dreadful for maybe 2-3 decades now. His whole thing as the

I wonder what their offices are like and also I already know: lots of coke.

I listen to A LOT of new music and I've heard of maybe 1% of the bands the AVClub plug. Whenever I listen to them they always more or less sound like a c-grade OK Go or Hold Steady.

I had a dream about Amy Schumer a while ago. She was all "you're now my new gay best friend!!" and I was all "fuck you gay people aren't just accessories for white girls!" and now I have vague animosity towards her.

Remember when James Brown died and people on the internet were all "yeah but the domestic abuse etc" and everyone else was all "hush you". Anyway, James Brown was LITERALLY African American true story

And it's not like it was some unfamous pleb he whacked with a baseball bat…it was fucking Madonna, one of the most famous women of all time and that shitbag still got away with it.

Fun fact: “one of this generation’s most highly-acclaimed and greatest artists and humanitarians" is the worst sentence fragment of all time.

And more importantly Bill Murray in Lost in Translation!!!