Johnny Thunders

It's all the fault of the evil white male patriarchy! Straight privilege? lol Go back to jezebel dummy. The grown ups are talking :)

if it's rated R it will probably be aaight

"I am sick to death of every shooting being greeted by choruses of 'don't look at guns, look at this!'"

This sounds much better than McHale's new CBS 'day job' hehe

I'm genuinely sorry dude. It's just been a barrage of attacks today after I dared to ever so slightly veer from the acceptable narrative in this comment thread that I assumed you were also hostile. For the record, I support gun control and strict mental health background checks for any and all potential gun buyers.

Yes. You're absolutely right. Refusal to bake a cake is a much bigger threat than wanting all , according tho the Qur'an "subhuman", homosexuals erased from the face of the Earth. You have a great grasp indeed.

What's it like to be you?

Radical Islam has a much deadlier stranglehold, unfortunately. Lampooning them would do wonders for American morale.

Does it really sound like it, Bub?

Holy shit that description kinda gave me a semi.

The dude in gunless London decapitated people in broad daylight with a kitchen knife in the name of Islam. When there's a will there's a way. Or should the Brits have caused a stink about knife control?

I'm not worried. I simply dislike the climate of blaming everything but Islamic doctrine that is being cultivated by a large portion of the media.

You lack basic reading comprehension and reasoning skills.

And are you anti-legalisation?


I'm a bigot? Calling out radical islam is bigotry? I'm an admittedly ardent Western chauvinist but your ad-hominem attacks fuelled by your own guilt and habitual internal self flagellation is adorable.

Dylann Roof was a racist piece of shit. He acted in the name of his repugnant racist ideology. That was the consistent headline context in his case and rightfully so.

"she's mostly about radical christianity and its abhorrent treatment of women and homosexuals.

Radical Islam.