Johnny Thunders

Yeah bruh, that's what I do. My opinion on the subject has no merit. I'm just a troll. Your worldview is safe from dissent for another day.

You haven't lived until you've had a well made burger doused in delicious truffle mayo! Highly recommended!


How about she start by influencing the western world and their self-hating ways?

They would trade guns for that sweet more-ish crack Super Hans ;)

Have there been any towers dropped or buses and trains exploded or heads chopped off with a knife in the middle of a metropolitan city or cartoonists murdered or nightclubs and concerts shot up in the name of radical christianity lately?

One pull of the trigger - one shot.

I kept it civil so far but dude, seriously? You just described what a hunting rifle does as well dummy! Fuck you and your verbose, straw man, pseudo-revellatory laundry list of information! hahaha

Because radical islamists espouse a doctrine that exhalts the killers of homosexuals.

It's crazy fun to go to the range and shoot a variety of guns. It's exhilarating. I highly recommend it.

You are a literal fellow aren't you?

It's not the weapon it's the wielder.

There is both radical christianity and radical islam.

It was a reply regarding a hypothetical scenario. You're not as witty as you fashion yourself to be.

I'm an atheist but I calls hypocrisy where I sees it :)

I'm an atheist and have zero skin in this game but if the shooter was a southern baptist the headlines would be "Hate-Filled Southern Baptist Redneck Nut Executes 50 Homosexuals!".


No. It just shouldn't be omitted from the facts that this particular criminal was a radical Islamist.

An "assault rifle" is just a hunting rifle all tarted up to look more badass for gun enthusiasts. An extra grip and matte black paint. The hands that hold any weapon make all the difference. There were 85.000.000 firearms in the United States that didn't massacre a nightclub in the United States last Sunday.

How about quoting the Qur'an and their hateful doctrine regarding women, child abuse and homosexual persecution?