Johnny Thunders

Well, looks like we have a Hung Jury.



She's Druish!

And shortly after that, it's spinoff Attila the Nun.

His twin brother Jeremyy more like, with these hack writers hehe

They didn't show the crash because, logistically, it didn't make sense. Coleman and Yael left IN A 650 HORSEPOWER MACLAREN way before Rachel even went in to the camera trailer to talk to ol' punchy Jeremy. a) How was he supposed to catch up with them in his shitty truck? and b) Even if by some outlandish turn of

Keenan is going to bury them all.

What do you tip a chambermaid?

Uh-huh! Yiiieeaahh! Bad Boy!

Well I know I'll never get a second chance to make a first impression ;)

I loved it. I'm a mega Flaked-head!

"Ok, you don't like shows about antiheroes. Sure."

The Dead Authors' Podcast > Spontaneanation

I never watched BB but in any case I never even said that Walter White was more likeable or sympathetic than Rachel. Fuck him too! Happy now? Bottom line, trying to pathologize shitty behaviour is a really hacky example of the show runners trying to have their cake and eat it too. Iredeemable.

After this episode, Rachel is no longer an anti-hero, nor a sympathetic character for that matter. She's basically an even less likeable Richie Finestra. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.

No matter how many mental hospitals they send her to and no matter how much broken heart backstory they try to retroactively shoehorn in with the limey, Rachel is irredeemable. And that last scene with Yael and the fuckhead woman beater Jeremy, trying to bring his disgusting ass back in to the fold… In the words of

Jeremy is done! He's been a piece of shit since last season. He needs more of an ass kicking and hauling away to prison for assault and that psychotic shot up target of Rachel's picture. Fuck him in his fat, patchy bearded ass!


Cheers! I'm going back in.