Johnny Thunders

Maybe you just have shitty straight friends.

Haven't heard it mentioned at all though.

That's very divisive rhetoric and patently untrue.

I'd love to see her caustic take though.

I'd love to see her take on radical Islam and their abhorrent treatment of women and homosexuals.


Only a pith dealth in abtholuth.

There's dozens of us! Dozens!

Idris Elba should play the Darryl Hannah role

Jillian Bell for Pam, Bill Hader for Krieger, Parn for Cyrill and curveball… Sean Penn for Ray.

Same! (Plus the entire Alan Partridge oeuvre)

Now cut that out!


Artie Schumann from Camp Hatchapee?

Heynong man!

To the nuts! The bridge mix! The bridge mix, you fool!

*hmph* I want that pill! *hmph* give me that pill!

He's also playing a double role as Jesus and Lucifer in an upcoming movie.

Have you even been on a plane you piece of shit?

The program has changed my life. And I have a sponsor now… *he's famous*. I can't tell you who he is. But let's just say that he was on Night Court. I can tell you who it's not. It's not Bull. It's not Harry Anderson… he's white.