Johnny Thunders

…12 and a half ;)

Holy shit! I just found out it was cancelled! What kind of idiot executives cancel the best new comedy series of 2016? I too hope Netflix or HULU picks it up. I am beyond bummed :(

Oh yeah, I'm bingeing the fuck outta this!

Stand and deliver, Adam Ant!

He was basically Truman Capote the Hutt

And blow dry her hair with it.

A fact that could've helped with traffic congestion in Paradise but Joni fails to mention it as it does not fit in with her blinkered view of the world.

Wow that's bleak! Cheers for the info however. You rule :)

I think your comment is more like a man's grave!

Then he should definitely send Amy Schumer. She could teach ISIS a thing or two about feminism.

More like AILF May

He needed tha money!

oh, baby, rock, rock

More like mentally challenged.

Proper paesans from the old country you philistine!

Spirit rose a meter and stepped aside…

Great Scott! That's really heavy dad… dad-dad-daddy-o!

Plough sized!

Hello! Since you've read the book could you please explain how saving Kennedy led to a dystopian future? It wasn't really made clear in the show and all that 1975 Kennedy internment camp talk didn't make any sense to me.

I'm crying just remembering them!