Johnny Thunders

It's a wrap!

Yes! You broke it down perfectly. I agree with all your points.

You didn't even bother reading it before sending me the link, did you? lol

Holy shit! I'm reading the rest of the categories in that website! Did you really think it would make me see Islam in abetter light! It's saying we are in the End Days and long windily defending the practice of child brides! Holy shit!

You just dug yourself into a deeper hole in this argument by providing me with that diatribe on semantics in that p.r manifesto. I read it very carefully. Islam is not a religion of peace. It is oppressive, anachronistic and unsuitable for integration with modern western society.

Mel's beard game's on fleek!


It's not a matter of tolerance for religions that believe things I disagree with. I dislike all organised religions equally but the issue with Muslims is a matter of practicality. Their doctrine literally opposes all the values and principles we in the west stand for and preaches "Death to Infidels". I don't hate them


Jack Benny is my god-uncle!

I love this show but this episode was not my cup o'tea. Devout Muslims, as the couple portrayed on this episode, are profoundly unpleasant people (as unpleasant as Westboro Baptist Church folk) and have no place in Western society, everything about which they oppose and hate on a fundamental level anyway, and I don't

Isn't he a little too short to be playing a Stormtrooper?

Who was also in Excalibur with Byrne.

Your username is a work of art. I bow to you.

He was a real pissant

It's the current year!

Maul sliced her up diagonally like a salami


She was actually cut in pieces

I stood up and cheered when they finally killed off the big galoot inquisitor. Couldn't stand him and his dumb, oversized bicycle helmet.