Or that old 'Doom' movie with the Rock? Or… was that just a fever dream?
Or that old 'Doom' movie with the Rock? Or… was that just a fever dream?
Everyone I know called me for condolences when David Bowie passed away :(
She's got man-hands!
Gob's not on board…
Serpentine = Lou Reed/John Giorno amalgam :)
Gerard Malanga was the gorilla… and he was glorious :)
The snarky 'Serpentine' was a Lou Reed surrogate. He was notoriously venomous and catty.
Hahaha "The power of Patty"???? That makes it even more awful! What a slapped together piece of drivel!
"Awww Heeelll Naaawww!!! The power of pain compels you!!!"
-Intelligent Historian
You're right.
I pitched that exact lineup 3 years ago! I'd watch the fuck outta that movie! (My pitch included a stash of marijuana they discovered that used to belong to Lucky Luciano and when they sparked it up the smoke conjured up the ghosts of mobsters.)
I'm looking forward to and am excited about the RedLetterMedia review of this movie.
"Some people loved it. Some people hated it. Some people were even a little meh…"
Hahaha exactly!
That is not my definition of misery porn at all and now I certainly understand why you disagreed with my characterisation. For me, misery porn means constantly upping the ante of unpleasantness in a bleak setting with depressed characters and no hope in sight… just one misfortune piled on another and on and on as the…
Accurate nevertheless
This show is misery porn.
Long story short, we both think the trailer stunk and while I, perhaps, prematurely am writing it up as a colossally misguided failure, you are willing to reserve judgement and give it the benefit of the doubt. We more or less agree to agree ;)
"But given the ugly, visceral, screeching campaign against this movie that started as soon as it was announced…before we knew anything about it AT ALL other than the team would be female…" = crying 'misogyny in defense of garbage trailer for cynical 'brownie-point-grab' movie.
This movie is getting shit on because it is gimmicky and from the trailer it appears hack and lazily written. Simple as that. The internet reacted as it did not because of some shadowy misogynist cabal pulling the strings but because the premise of the movie itself is baiting for progressive brownie points instead of…