Johnny Thunders

I'm not an anti-female led comedy type. I looove Broad City, Another Period, Girls and the Idiotsitter. The trailer for the new Ghostbusters is objectively horrendous and the 'humour' is cheesy and lowest common denominator. Unfortunately the tagline for this movie is "If you don't like it you're a misogynist!". Also,

Regardless of the collective idiocy of the YouTube commentariat, the trailer was horrendous and deserved all the downvotes purely for looking like a 90's Nickelodeon kid's show.

It's a downvote bonanza over at YouTube. This thing is gonna bomb hard.

Suzie, call Dr. Bison, set up an appointment for Mr. Kramer here. Tell him it's for me.

The plotlines were pleasant and the set dressing and lighting was soothing. I enjoyed binging on the entire series as well. Jodie Sweetin's boobs in those tight outfits didn't hurt watchability either ;)

Yeah, of course you do. And do you know why? Because you're a bunch of yuppies. It's your go-go corporate takeover lifestyles that are driving out these Mom and Pop stores and destroying the fabric of this neighborhood.

My name… is Tania!

"dayum Alex/Steve dropped a lot of weight!". He looked great. I loved that they followed through with the premise set up in the first season that he was dead set on getting himself in as close to leading man shape as possible. He looked like a chubbier Albert Hammond jr. and he played his newfound swagger really

Bazinga Blvd or gtfo

Boof was the shit!

Oh lordy this looks good!

Charlie dancing to "Stuck in the middle with you", straight razor in hand, while a befuddled dwarf dressed like a leprechaun is sitting in a chair, bound and gagged, was almost Felini-esque in its hilarity.

Please god not a fedora… anything but a fedora. A bowler, perhaps a derby but in the name of all that's sacred not a fedora!

The Thomas Crown Blaffair

I wonder how they will work in his trademark crown. Maybe like a grey beanie with a zig-zag pattern?

…State and Main?

Jerry's reaction to the punchline is perfect while Larry just looks at them horrified.

This comment is genius but too cerebral to get all the up votes it deserves ;)

…Savage Garden?

Yes! From the get go I've felt that the dynamic between Stew and Dean has been very similar to Michael and Gob. Savage is playing his character like a more unhinged and fed-up Jason Bateman… and it works like a charm.