Disinterested Observer

Much love for Euge, the best nerdcore MC working today.

Double tens for Clementines? No way.

The Refused are fucking dead.

This made me finally break down and listen to MATES. It's awesome. Thanks.


Like a Polaroid photo, that's part of its charm.

It's been streaming on Amazon for free (with Prime) all month. I've seen it five times.

When are we going to get to the best Christmas special of the last 20 years: the Trailer Park Boys classic "Dear Santa Claus, Go Fuck Yourself"?

Cross: kross /n/ 1) A thing they nail people to.

Here's comment 1200-something. You're almost 13% towards still understanding life Todd!

Question: how's the mastering? The original releases had some pretty good dynamic range. Do these retain that or are they compressed and loud?

1) No Battle Royale? Although, kill everyone else is really not that complicated.

No, I hate the music very much, thanks. Especially the vocals. And guitars. And drums.

Colm Meaney is awesome, yes. I often dream of the world where he kept the role of Gene Hunt in the American Life on Mars, instead of getting booted for Harvey Keitel. I'd have watched every episode, even though David Kelly was responsible.

"Principals" is incorrect. It's "principles."

The Indians aren't hipsters, they're victims. Of AMC being too cheap-ass to pay for accurate language, accompanied with subtitles. And face it. We're watching this instead of Homeland, so we're probably too stupid to read words AND follow the action at the same time.

The fuck do you mean, "Belmont isn’t a recognizable name?" If you listen to the Nerdist and don't know Veronica "Hottest Geek chick EVAR, and I'm looking at YOU, Munn, you posuer skank" Belmont, then you yourself suck major, major ass. She is the absolute and total Queen of Geek Chic. Fuck you ALL for not recognizing

I love Brent Ratner. Because he reminds me there is no god and life is painfully unfair.

Wait, Minear wrote this AND the show's been renewed?
