Disinterested Observer

Well, actually, the X-Men / New Teen Titans crossover was the Eighties.

The Trailer Park Boys Christmas episode, "Dear Santa Claus, Go Fuck Yourself" has become a tradition for my circle of friends.

God Damn it. You too?

If Andrea had spent the three minutes she was talking to scientist-dude also trying to get the pliers, she would have had time to spare to free herself and brace for the zombie attack, if not head it off outright.

"She won the first half of all our chemo Scrabble games, but then her IV drugs started kicking in and I *dominated*."

Any shop that limits its selection to TimeWarner/Disney - DC and Marvel, that is - doesn't need your business; it needs to be shut down. I can understand limiting some selection but Image, Dark Horse, and IDW are big enough, and have enough big selling titles, to carry. That your local floppy shop doesn't shows they

Buy Sam a beer and get his dog one, too!!!!

Dennys, not Pennys.

Todd, just take Mondays off. You've earned it. 


Can't talk. Playing this stupid Simpsons game on my phone.

Question: is there a reliable place to track down the cast members of commercials? Sure, I could google that but this is the type of question that can be annoyingly google-proof.

Doesn't "his own wife and podcast host, Libby Hill" imply they're actually still podcasting?

TGS: Toffee Granola Swirl.

Pee Wee's Big Adventure was Burton's debut. 1985.

Pee Wee's Big Adventure was Burton's debut. 1985.

I just assumed broadcasters were sending the SD signal out letterboxed, like FOX does with the NFL. Then I spent a week watching a friend's house with only 4:3 screens and learned otherwise. It's just weird.

I just assumed broadcasters were sending the SD signal out letterboxed, like FOX does with the NFL. Then I spent a week watching a friend's house with only 4:3 screens and learned otherwise. It's just weird.

Iron Maiden opening for Judas Priest, 1982-83. Maiden supporting "Number" and Priest "Vengeance."