Disinterested Observer

View/Download whist you can. Metallica doesn't understand the meaning of fair use. I'd bet a DMCA takedown notice is being prepared as I write this.

"returning to the Halloween well so soon after last year’s installment"

Nancy Travis is 50, and is also Patient Zero of the Women-Are-Staying-Hotter-Longer-These-Days virus.

22 Episodes, full season.

My God! Someone used a joke someone else may have written! It's the End Of The World!

I wholeheartedly approve of any video that puts Janet in a prominent role.

Snyder and Lemiere, the only two writers I really care about at DC proper.

I can return! Thank you Disney! And than you, Hank, for being such an asshole!

Praise Jesus. Had I known this was going on I'd've watched MNF last night.

I kept that stream you gave us last week playing for three days. In other words, I liked it.

I bought Nevermind the day it was released. That makes me ubercool.

Yep. I hope the AV Club hires Laura when she finally decides she can't handle covering an industry devoted to killing itself.

Matthew Sweet is playing a Mountain Stage show in my town next month. I'm so fucking stoked.

This movie is what made me install BitTorrent back in the Summer of '04.


Yeah, that would have Sucked.

What the fuck
Two thousand three hundred and eighteenthies!