
Dude's so old, they should call it 'Grambo'

Ah, so Cantonese is like their Alabamanese

(Scooter Libby waits excitedly by the phone)

Finally, grapes get their moment in the sun!

i understand she didn't make those comments or they were in jest or whatever, but still, they're not that bad. Real talk: the white man is the fucking devil.

i personally just put it entirely out of my thoughts, much like Superman did with the cities full of people he killed offhandedly

i told you a thousand times: feeding Chayefsky feces makes him explode. But noooooo, you had to go do it anyway

i don't want to hear a damn thing spoken aloud by those imposter Muppet voices

The most memorable things about the 2002 movie to me are:

Correct me if i'm wrong, internet hive mind:


Sean, look at me, i can comment too!

More sadness!

Featuring a starmaking turn by Irma Thumpkin.

i buy more than ever, just from Bandcamp.

Pinterest is a video game now?

i really liked Year Zero. The Downward Spiral will probably always take top spot because of ninth-grade imprinting, but Year Zero is the one i try out on people who are NIN skeptics.

He's got a great voice, and he's obviously a tremendously talented musician and producer, but he squanders it all on teenage-quality songwriting. He's been slowly improving in small ways with the last couple albums, but it's still pretty dire.


All Nine Inch Nails songs.