
Give her a break, she's actually the reincarnation of me in high school.

Whenever someone mentions 'Dragonball Z', in my head i always say 'Dragonballz'.

i do, but make sure the kids are asleep first.

i picture him in an empty apartment whispering it into the barrel of a gun

^ Winning comment

Generally, people only sympathize with themselves. FTFY

i felt the same way when i rewatched E.T. and Jaws recently (at a Drive-In theatre no less). They've long been tagged as these big spectacle-stuffed blockbusters, but watching them in the modern context they seem almost like arthouse films now. They're so still and understated and non-bombastic for most of their

And the Star Wars prequalls r wayyyyy better than those slow old moves with the bad grapics & the old grampa guy..the sword fites r so SLOW!!

i thought 'Super Mario Bros.' was a really good game actually, almost better than the movie

i may need to relisten to this one! So glad it got some AVC props.

i love how all four of you worked together to create one seamless joke that escalated perfectly. And now i'm ruining it by being sincere. It's the little things.

Stop doing these, internet.

And what is this new Leaden Zeppaline all the kids are gabbing about?


Oh, it's an ugly, ugly app. i don't think they even maintain it anymore, can't remember the last time it got an update. It regularly forgets the stuff i've marked read. But hey, $1.99 for more WHM crew is worth it.

It's on the Podcastbox app - if you've got an iPod/Pad/Phone, it's a one-time $1.99 to subscribe and get all the extra stuff they release from now till forever, it's pretty worth it in my opinion. (Probably on Android too, i have no idea.)

It's just a quote from the intro. Doesn't make much sense outside of its context, and it wasn't that great a quote anyhow.

Beck xor Hanson

That anaconda probably won't eat him anyway - doesn't look like he has buns, hun

Are you incinerating that i'm not focusing fully on my work?