
Blasphemy! Dawes sales never fall, they only rise: like a perpetual sunrise, ever brighter, white hot and pure, burning their sweet Laurel Canyon vibes into our hearts… nay, our very souls.

As would his dog, Ed Beagley Jr.

*turns out the pizza coupon diploma is more valuable than a real one anyway*

Sounds like Harrison Ford is finally literally too old for this shit

+100. i am so fucking sick of all this damn trendy minimalism, across the board. Hey, check out my website, it's just my name written in 200pt Helvetica Bold. Hey, check out my paintings, they're 4-inch-squares i had some interns paint. Hey, check out this cutesy chart that took me 10 seconds to sketch on a napkin.

"Whas oll this then?" says Pram Lorry, doffing her fanny to a bonnet postehaste.

John McCain, is that you?

"My my, we are having some fun here, aren't we? Ha ha. God's green America, nothing like it, great place to be human - just like corporations, my friends. What do you say go over to that portable establishment that serves tube meats on a baked wheat roll with various condiments, hey? The old pigskin, ha ha." - Mitt

The Computer Wore Reebok Pumps: 20 GIFs about shit from the 90s that Computers Can Wear Now

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i vote that The AV Club disables comments whenever something serious happens.

Is there a way to make AdBlock remove all 'Great Job, Internet' articles?

Leonard Pierce gives it a B-

We can go deeper! Meta-analysis of meta-awareness sans awareness of the meaninglessness of the argument is itself a dumbass thing, one that we all inevitably fall prey to.


i actually can't wait for super bowl LIX, sounds sexy

Man, i'm always throwing that into my sentences - Cisalpine this and Cisalpine that i say, and people roll their eyes because they've heard me say it so many times.

Nathan Rabin's looking good!

It's a smooth jazz lozenge

So Shia LaBeouf, James Franco, Wayne Coyne and Rob Ford walk into a bar…