
Yeah I guess being a douche bag is still allowed on this website. So job well done.

If only I could edit "maligned" to "embattled" or some such shit. Seriously quit being so fucking anal retentive.

Tomato, toe-maht-oh, Mr. Majestyk. No need to thesaurasize a post on an internet comment/talk-back board.

Best picture nominee next year…
…Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen. You heard it here first! (not a firsties attempt)

That's actually a pretty funny Halloween costume, IM.

Really the only part of Point Break I don't like is when Bodhi takes the love interest hostage. For some reason, I just don't buy that he would do that to a friend/ex-girlfriend. He doesn't really seem sadistic until that part. I realize the idea of not believing that a psychotic bank robbing Buddhist would take

I really…
…like Strange Days, and I'm not afraid to admit it. That movie is batshit insane.

This is another…
…example of the similar movie similar time phenomenon that occurs every so often. EdTV vs. The Truman Show, Armageddon vs. Deep Impact, Observe and Report vs. Paul Blart Mall Cop, and etc… I'm still waiting for an AV Club inventory on this.

Watch the first season and pretend it was canceled after that.

Land of the Lost has already reached the cheap theaters here near Chicago. In contrast, Star Trek and Wolverine both reached the same weekend after like 6 or 7 weeks.

What a stupid fucking moniker. I'm willing to overlook rapper names like Common, Mos Def, Snoop Dogg and such because they're at least somewhat clever. But fucking Will.i.am? Are you serious? What did Patton Oswalt say about him, "Is that an adult's name?"

I ate the sheep shit!

Raul Julia's death…
…still hurts. The man was so damned talented. He worked well in many roles, including dramatic and comic. It's a crying shame he went out with Street Fighter. Even his film "Overdrawn at the Memory Bank," memorably spoofed by MST3K was better than Street Fighter.

I thought…
…Death Row was bankrupt. Guess I was wrong.

FTW means "For the win."

I love Die Hard 3 up until the plot starts to fall in and Irons robs Wall Street. The first 45 mins or so are top-notch action. The movie really starts to piss me off when the cops enter the school and find the fake bomb. It goes from fun hokey to just plain hokey.

12 Rounds
The biggest question I have about this movie is "How did Renny Harlin get work after Cutthroat Island?" The man keeps inexplicably getting projects. Hollywood has to be itching with ambitious young directors who could ostensibly do a schlock thriller/heist/action film like this for much cheaper. Why do

*insert Onion reference here*
Livin' la vida mocha!

Agreed with Durckk… isn't Kevin Smith like 40 now? And since he's put out like 4 mediocre movies since he actually had something funny to say, the whole thing indeed reeks of "I'm still cool, look I can smoke pot!" The casting of Seth Rogen alluded to this as well.

You'll get more love for the Clerks cartoons right here. "Why are we walking like this?" Pure comedy gold. And the casting of Alec Baldwin as the voice of the villain was genius.