Yeah and

When I eat YoPuss I won't …

Even she admitted she was overexposed in the promos.

Episode 2, much better as far as I'm concerned. Looking forward to tomorrow's conclusion.

Mormons On A Dinghy is going to be the highlight though.

It's sort of a mirror of her relationship with Lincoln- he's only as open as he wants to be, and that'll never be as open as she is. As much as it pains me to admit, maybe it's for the best that Lincoln left her.

You don't need to convert for them. I don't think any of the guys they've been with on more than one occasion are.

I gotta vote Alia- hair-on-hair action, every time.

"Fuck you, Lindsay. Seriously."

Greedy Seth Green is an attractive Seth Green to Ilana.

I wasn't prepared for Sharee to be dating that asshole. How did that end up happening?

This was a good one. Anybody know what the Billy Crystal movie on the dead guy's iPod was? Loved how it looked like they were plotting something insipid but it was just getting a tampon.

Least realistic Israelis on TV- didn't mention peanut butter or root beer once!

Again, not that far off from the traditional truth.

Not even that far off.

I thought it was ok, but now that the premise has been set up, things can finally get moving.

Salmon cheek meat- I'll say no more.

Fair enough. I meant no offense.

I know what that one is- it's not real, but fuck bracelets definitely are.

I don't know about that- it's always been my experience that they start boarding 20-30 minutes before the flight is scheduled to leave, and you want to be there about 30 minutes before that. Maybe it's just that we've done different airports at different times of day.

They do the full Israeli experience (as I understand it- never went, only had friends who did), which isn't just visiting cities. There's desert hikes, time on a kibbutz- you are sore by the time you get back to Tel Aviv.