Yeah and

As long as you're a Jew. That's the only other requirement for Birthright. They want more Israelis with little kids, but they want to keep it within the faith.

Not knowing what they are or knowing what they are?

I kind of like knowing the ending to a story. It's nice to see where things are leading and I can catch any clues they were throwing out the first time I watch.

According to the promo for next week, it might, in connection with Abbi talking about getting her period on the flight.

I never understood that myth- is semen supposed to be like Rogaine or something? Why your palms, of all places?

Well, not face to face- I'd probably use Twitter or something.

I like the way you said it better than mine.

The power does go out sometimes.

Well, she needed to get on the subway too- this is but one in her vast repertoire of weed smuggling skills.

Who wouldn't?

I thought she looked pretty light-skinned compared to her mother.

Same- way too much getting set up and talk about 'when you have children'. Ugh.

That actually is a bit interesting. Makes me feel a bit old that I remember the last few months of subway tokens as well.

Plus, it was in Abbi's room and they borrow from each others' closets all the time (well, Bevers does).

What does Abbi's seatmate say about her match potential? Poor, poor Abbi …

I felt a lot better about this one. Lots of great stuff and callbacks to other episodes. Air travel is one of the few areas I have my shit together on, but I can relate to the experiences in general life.

I love that Abbi calls magazines like O 'adult magazines'. Who else would do that?

"I use that bag all the time."

It can be such an inconvenience, having to walk to the next station or switch lines. It's conceited, admittedly, but that's just how you feel about it.

Just because he's with someone doesn't mean he doesn't need to do it his own way sometimes.