Yeah and

Definitely true- an animal has no way of giving consent.

I'll say it- ruptured innards.

I've known people like that at summer camp, and it is not fun to be on either team.

It was an era-defining film, like Newsies.

It's something to keep her mind occupied. Things can get pretty monotonous if you don't find our own excitement.

That whole scene was Emmy-worthy cinematography.

I comment, I comment …

She's crazy and can't feel a thing, just like the rest of the Soulstice trainers. That's why Competitive Abbi fits so well- they're all psychos. And D'Arcy Carden- just a hilarious lady.

Same with Nicole Drespel. She's one of the show's MVPs, hands down.

And what a perfect week for Whoopi to show up.

I need you at case sensitive.

That's just part of his strategy. Wear 'em down, then take 'em out.

I believe that's correct. There was a Christmas story starring MODOK, I know that for sure.

I feel like he was there for Entmann's funeral but I may be wrong.

It sounds like there was one heck of a fight happening.

It's all politics.

Parcheesi's not that common a game any more. It's like asking if you have a backgammon board.

That is very true.

I feel like it's been at least 2-3 weeks, considering Dean wasn't enrolled at Stuyvesant at the beginning of the season, and even community colleges need a week or two to process everything/get you in classes. No more than two months though, but a place like Ven-Tech should have more than enough sheet metal to cover

Psycho Man's the closest thing to an opposite that I've seen. Or maybe Arnim Zola, since he has no head.