Yeah and

Someone that smart may very likely have been making a clone for when his body shuts down horrifically.

Maybe you don't …

That's the most common theory- half brothers, at least.

Nothing about Battleaxe though? Miss Rosa, for whatever's sake! Some hilarious stuff from her, I thought. An all-around good episode.

Both tender vittles.

Maybe, but liability insurance is the silent killer.

Why have they not closed that up yet? There must be a couple of regular visitors that fall in every day anyway.

More Hector Hammond than MODOK but admittedly plenty of MODOK there.

With a bit of 'David After The Dentist'.

Solar plexus, whatever.

He's out of his element in this more urban location.

He's actually pretty good at it too. Perhaps a questioning of his role as a villain is coming …

She tends to do that.

I meant real in the 'keeping it real' sense though, not realistic.

If you cook it down enough, it's decent.

Ilana did want her to make a good first impression though, since she at least planned to do her hours next month.

Not in NYC proper but it's doable. As much as I love Wegman's, it's still just a step up from a regular grocery store.

Fair enough.

Lincoln and Jaime aren't banned so there's still access routes.

I'll admit to still being confused- do you mean spending social time with girls more than boys or watching the HBO show?