Yeah and

But the Beaker voice actor is different from the Piggy voice actor. It's more that all Beaker says is Mee or Meep and all Piggy talks about is herself.

It's not that unusual though. Fozzie, Cookie Monster, Rowlf, basically anyone who does a lot of picking stuff up has actual hands from two puppeteers under the material.

He's physically based on Bill Prady so that makes sense.

I knew it was one of the Shack songs. They did a great job with it anyway.

That would explain why he handed control of Muppets Tonight over to Clifford.

I would buy The Muppets as the Curb version of how they 'really' are.

Or maybe wake up with a Muppet tiger in the room, and it turns out he's the new PA or something.

They need more Link Hogthrob in Muppet productions. Just sayin'.

I was going to say Scottish but I can see Greek as well.

True, but Janice hasn't been portrayed as a potential romantic interest in anything prior to this so it's a bit of a jarring transition.

He's picked up the Richard Hunt vibe well, I will say that.

Time travel?

True enough. I thought you were speaking generally instead of just about this review and this episode.

I can't see this Kermit singing Rainbow Connection or It's Not Easy Being Green though.

I'm a fan of Chip, but that may be because I've seen his other 'work'. He's good in small doses but I wouldn't use him any more than they did last week.

Admittedly it's hard to make felt sexy, but even Denise and Gonzo's blind date are better looking. Janice, she's got those stringy arms and the always closed eyes, the hair's kind of flat, and she's a weird shade of orange, almost marmalade colored. Just don't get Muppet attraction, I guess.

There was more sexuality implied in this episode than previous ones, though.


I thought that was a pretty good one, other than Quentin Tarentino's cameo. Studio DC Almost Live, on the other hand, I will admit to being a misstep.

It's more about matching the voices to the mouth movements. They prerecord the voices for the character that speaks less if there's a scene with two Muppets with the same main puppeteer (Piggy and Fozzie, for example) and a secondary puppeteer handles that one in the scene. So, the crowd scenes probably take a while