Yeah and

My problem with how he handled it this episode was how much of a smug jerk he was about it. Kermit had been (to me, at least) a pretty humble guy about doing what he needed to do to keep the show going up to this point.

I wish they'd gone further with Ed, maybe worked a Hangover reference in there. It'd be a natural fit for the situation and would give a reason for him to show up again.

Probably won't but I wouldn't rule out a leash and collar.

I seem to be in the minority but this was the weakest episode for me so far. I can finally see the whole 'Kermit is a jerk' thing and it's unnerving. I don't know if I buy the whole Piggy bonding with her coworkers thing happening, at least not in the context the show has presented her. The Fozzie B-plot was ok but

Very rarely. I think he was hatless in one of the Christmas specials and here and there otherwise.

At least for close shots.

I always thought Scooter was one of those characters where his glasses are his eyes, like Duckman.

"They all were staring at the sun on the way to work."

I know. Why is everybody so hot for Janice? Sam, Offerman, somebody else in the first episode (can't remember who). She's not that attractive for a Muppet.

Abbi and Ilana did apparently.

I'm sure he did, but he didn't need to name his production company after the year associated with the asshole sailor.

That's true. Doesn't mean they don't take the day off too though.

Joke's on them though- Chris Columbus's production company is named 1492 Productions, so by honoring Chris Columbus the director they honor the explorer as well.

I think he was, actually. I remember reading somewhere that the puppet they first used for Bobo was a generic bear from one of the early Muppet movies, possibly even the first one.

I think it's just adding a syllable to make it sound foreign.

"I want a log cabin."

Why not? Conan used to occasionally do cooking segments on Late Night and that was about the same time.

He was introduced on Vincent Price's episode of the Muppet Show- hardly gets more awesome than that.

I'll go there- she was a bit hot.

Isn't Floyd the guitarist?