Yeah and

And he's Russian! What kid doesn't love a good Cold War analogy?

Absolutely loved Mummies Alive. A ridiculous show but still fun.

Oh great, here comes that nightmare again …

Flash has won at least once (by a technicality, but still counts).

Those were spikes. Feels the same though.

You should visit Cleveland some time. They put it on spaghetti.

He'll find somebody though. The ladies love him.

Or From Space?

Funnily enough, it was Muppets from Space, the more obscure one.

Not if Sweetums has anything to say about it.

I know- devastating. They were so sure they'd get another season, too.

In some species of shrimp, at least.

Tom Bergeron- Dancing With The Stars
Laurence Fishburne- Black-ish
Two for two so far.

I don't know- Carlin's always struck me as a fan of hard candy, so I'd buy it as a legit candy dish.

You and me both. Though I believe they're both in committed relationships.

Chip- severely underused.

"What? Gender is fluid, ok!"

It was something about cooking the bacon, I believe.

I vote Gonzo for Tracy as well.

Speak for yourself- I like her.