Yeah and

Dave said somewhere that Zoot expresses himself best through his music and that's why they've cut back on his lines.

I believe they've said that they're going to use a bunch of people from the ABC lot, in keeping with the premise that Up Late is a real show.

He's beyond rich. Barely even touched his Tonight Show money. And Jay's an easygoing guy- his worst trait is that he can't say no. It's caused him plenty of trouble.

Robin's a tough one to play. He's a kid character so he doesn't really have a place in a TV studio, except maybe as a gofer.

Definitely. Pepe's good for one-liners and the occasional physical gag and that's mainly what he's done so far here.

All the stories I've heard are that Kermit was closest to Jim's real personality and that's why Gonzo and Rizzo have been more in the spotlight since then.

He's on Black-ish, too.

Really enjoying the show so far. Don't know if I'd agree with the whole 'Kermit is being a jerk' thing though- he's always been more or less like this but it wasn't as noticeable because previous shows and movies were faster paced.

Didn't even think that's where you were going with that. Good point.

Gonzo is a master of inappropriate timing. What I wouldn't give to be alone in an elevator with Lea Thompson …

Big Mean Carl as a receptionist is one of the best decisions made yet.

She's got some sort of dirt on Kermit, that's for sure. I mean, they're actually a good couple but if the breakup's at all messy, Kermit is in for it.

Also, now that Jay doesn't have a regular show anymore, he can let loose more, be a bit edgier.

Kermit got Fish-burned!

Well yeah, but Jay's a big star now, and stars are above the law and hypocrisy.

And ham.

Long as it's not a leather-blown dildo, should be fine.

Love the video. Glad to see Ilana is getting some mileage of her birthday present. I feel your pain, girls.

Probably for the best that they broke the fast early- those sandwiches would be stale and cold if they left them out like that for four hours.

Me, Tu B'Shevat!