Yeah and

Or a celery stalk.

Maybe she could do a Misery on them. That would be funny.

It certainly is a sweet potato, isn't it?

Sainsbury made a Polish joke in Reject's Beach, so that's a good possibility. Still, I think it's a Jewish thing.

Plus, she had blood coming out of her eyes. Probably would have brain damage if she was alive, wouldn't be much more than a vegetable.

I doubt he uses newspaper for anything but sopping up fluids and shit.

I feel like it was more convenient timing than anything else.

You sucked my dick, madam!

Become one of them through treachery. Their father earned his place through hard work but Chair used underhanded methods.

I literally cheered when Blanche showed up and took down Chair.

He kills so many people and things that it's hard to keep track anyway.

Pretty good. I'm looking forward to all the fallout next season- Bea and Lillian heading out on the road, pigging it up, Victor and Albert working out their relationship with Dr. Goldberg, Hamish living it up in jail, the servants getting used to life without Bea and Lillian, and Hortense getting a book deal (ok,

I must have misheard that. I thought he was calling to get Chair relieved from service.

Until Peepers admitted to it, I sincerely thought Hamish actually did kill him but had no idea who it was he'd killed.

How did she get there though? Not that I'm not glad to have her back (I'm very glad, love that Blanche), but did she escape the sanitarium or did they declare her sane again and just send her back unaccompanied?

Amnesia- sounds French-Canadian.

I predict we'll be seeing a lot more Fall-Down Charlie next season. As for Celery, I imagine she'll be off to a 'health spa' for most of the season. Chair, I believe, is dead (thankfully) and I'm still not sure she was really pregnant. I'd guess a tumor or TB.

They had a lot of great regulars and guest stars.

Hello, mommy? I'm fired again.

But he was on the Muppet Beach Party CD. They don't invite just anybody to their beach parties.