Yeah and

Decent, though I wish they didn't have to replace Alicia Silverstone.

So was George Clooney.

Or maybe the 50's one!

Vader was Frankie's dad.

They've got a few ones. Liv and Maddie is pretty good, and I'm liking Best Friends Whenever despite the poor reviews.

It's pretty scary, especially because almost no one is on Cory and Topanga's side. They barely resolve it.

She's married, to a military guy.

They still need to get Rachel though. They got Jack, but where's Rachel?

I think he's up to 4 at this point. And he's a senator for New York. I'll leave you with that.

Everybody knows Fred Sandwich. From that Wonder show.

This show grew up so much.

That was a great episode- loved the Eric plot where he gets a Norman Bates type as a roommate.

That was heartbreaking. I remember the episode right before the got back together, with Starry Night and Alexandra Nichita, so beautiful.

This script is poopy!

"Look at that shallow, shallow boy …"

I'd go with either Eric Hollywood or The Psychotic Episode, but they're mostly good.

"Welcome to John Adams High, where we're all going to die …"

She was dating Eric, who was glad to be done with witches for now.

My Date With The President's Daughter.

He was down the 'other hallway' with Mr. Turner.