Yeah and

"Daddy never bought me a bow-wow …"

I mostly liked the episode but Chair getting Garfield fired (especially by using Towel against him) dropped things down a bit for me.

Featuring Dan Ringley.

There was a lady who had dinner parties for rats. A doggy dinner party is far from crazy.

He's the next step in the chain. First Garfield, then Peepers, then Dodo, and finally the Commodore.

I wasn't with them on the elephant hanging (electrocution is much easier) until the lake of blood.

Not so much hallucinate as trip psychedelic balls, and while it wasn't a true striptease it was definitely a burlesque (and she showed her kitty-cat a couple of times). As for the elimination of the puppies, Hamish would make too much of a mess. Garfield is so gentle, you'd barely notice any rope burn around the dogs'

Next week, next week.

Celery is mostly water anyway.

It looks like Hamish is taking her to Thomas Edison next week and if he can't cure her, no one can, so probably not.

I feel like the answer to that is very disturbing, as are most things about Hamish.

Actually, by way of Louisiana.

She rarely wears pants anywhere.

I feel like the end of that phrase is 'lover', though I'd love to hear what Moshe had in mind when he wrote that scene.

And listening to Santana!

"Oh, now you get it up!"

She does have a bit of a moppish head, doesn't she?

There are ladyboys all over Southeast Asia.
And it's pronounced Rah-see.

Kinda like New Mexico.

Well, all the pale races then.