Yeah and

A basic version of that song, yes.

I still think it's one of those autism spectrum things.

Oh yeah, forgot about that scene. Could have done without the shit, but you are right about that.

Probably physically, as well.

I shudder to think about what else those mops have been used for.

Clean as a whistle, she is.

Maybe a misleading name, like calling a bald guy Curly.

I believe it.

Having Drunk History as a lead-in (one of the ones Natasha was in, at that) was definitely helpful. Glad the network finally realized that.

Thank you. That was what I was going for.

And it had no gas in it. Just one dead baby joke after another.

Best line in the history of ever.

All white races deserve tolerance.

Strange Visitor From A Far Away Planet …

Garfield's companion object after the ravishing. I forget if it was Peepers who gave it to him or Dodo but neither one meant it as a comforting gesture.

Sounds French-Canadian.

In her prostituting, it seems. That's why the Commodore hired her to his house staff- so she'd be around for sexual stuff whenever he wanted it.

Well, Hamish you know what you're getting, but Dr. Goldberg seems like he'd be more gentle. I'm going to go with the classic cop-out 'none of the above'.

About the same time as Frederick, I'd imagine.

Unless you created South Park- then it can be a major character in an episode.