Yeah and

"But I'm barren! That's what makes me special!"

He didn't have Towel with him for emotional support.

I knew about all that, just wanted to make sure you weren't claiming Missouri as a home of Superman.

You mean Kansas, right?

Well, lot of Portuguese in Rhode Island too, but yeah, all that stuff.

When you buy a hat like this, I bet you get a free bowl of soup, huh?

Beatrice Tiffaniamberthiessen Bellacourt Downsey to you, bub.

I liked it. Solid all around though this may not be the last we've seen of Mr. Ponzi. He is a master of scheming, after all, and the real Charles Ponzi didn't die until 1949. I could see him having that little Indian servant of his pull some trick on them, some sort of long con.
The moment of actual tenderness was a

Definitely her best subplot so far this season.

Hamish has a thing for Chair, in his own disgusting way. Other than that, pretty much got all the relationships.

There's still plenty of ladyboys, so they'll be fine.

"Whenever I think of Africa, I can still taste Charles' semen."
Also, he must have been 30 in that picture. Not that it was unusual at the time but still.

Considering they're Newport royalty, Massachusetts must be a vile cesspool to them.

More suctioned the fetus out than pleasured, though I'm sure it was somewhat pleasurable when it was off.

He's a bit of a greedy lover, that's for sure.

I'll be dead in the ground before I recognize Missouri.

So I guess that little asshole is Bea's.

"You don't think it's odd that I'm having sex with my own sister?"
"No, that's perfectly normal. Please, carry on."

Wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more.

Not a fan of baby-back ribs, I'm guessing?