Yeah and

It was a bit uneven, I'll admit. Plus, they shot it something like a year before the rest of the season so there was time to adjust things in between.

The bit at the end was a nice touch though- maybe cut out a date or two.

It's a nice brain to be sure, but it's also attached to a body.

Definitely. It was empirically proven she's hot enough for TV.

"Just another couple of minutes and you will be mine!"

I know her as Birdgirl, so wasn't as surprising.


Yup, having Chair sit on him.

If need be, they could kill her with one of those painful early 20th century diseases like TB.

I hope not as well but as you said, they aren't above known incest.

Kevin McDonald's done pretty well for himself as well. But yeah, too tall and gaunt to be Bruce.

I gotta go with "Johnny Cool", from the Boston episode, because Nick Offerman.

That's not necessarily a bad thing though- it draws attention down to her boobs and makes her hairstyles stand out more.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was thinking, "Is this a boy or a girl?" the whole interview.

Yet she didn't swallow it.

That was it. Thank you.

They actually ran some Drunk History yesterday, including the one about Coca-Cola, which originally was a cocaine wine.

I liked the Upstairs (except for that Hore), but not so much the Downstairs (except for Blanche).

Decent episode. I'd put it somewhere in the middle, qualitywise. I was hoping the Princess Amy sketch would go more Princess Diaries before going Henry VIII- Amy seems like someone who has watched the hell out of Princess Diaries. Also, glad to hear Amy's UTI is clearing up- that's been a persistent thing this season.

And what was the dog's name? Flobsy? It was close to a real pet name but slightly off.