Yeah and

Amy taking the prescription pad was what hit best for me. And then the phone call to her friend just sealed it up.

I have to agree with Kate's Enchanted assessment. That's the closest one they've done.

That glare spoke volumes.

Though I feel like she stopped trying at about the same time he did.

Those guys made some dumb mistakes.

A Dog Bachelor Party is the next logical step before a Dog Wedding.
To be followed by a Dog Mistress, Dog Couples' Therapy, and finally, Dog Divorce.

Especially considering it was someone so opposite of him. One of her old teachers, who she specifically said she'd had a crush on for a while.

What bits and pieces they've been releasing have been good, so I have high hopes.

As long as they're regular jeans (not too skinny or baggy, no crazy pockets/extra loops), you should be fine.

Hats are useful if you're going to be outside for a while but that's about it.

I don't know- guys like Gabriel Iglesias can pull it off, but the less fluffy among us should exercise caution.

I've heard of the 'lady boner' before, so I'd buy that she was going for something similar.

Guy must be a George Foreman fan.


It's all the rage in Brazil.

I can still smell the dryers. I can still see the dryer exhaust fumes heating away the body spray from the shirts.

He was just pawing her.

I don't know- I think she'd be great as regular correspondent on a talk show but she couldn't carry a whole hour. She needs other funny people to bounce off of, and even with a sidekick or panel of guests it'd be a stretch.

Simply furious about that ass.

Decent episode but the endings just weren't there for the most part. Dog Bachelor Party was pretty awesome and I liked the Splash reference (what's next- An Officer and A Gentleman?) , but the Goes Deep felt flat to me. Like I said, needed to push things further.