Yeah and

*explodes with rage*
"you're acting like my mother …"

That was a pretty good one. Wish they'd left the bit at the end in though. That guy is great.

Didn't go far enough for me- while I liked the whole Schindler's List thing at the end, it needed to go a bit darker. That was a problem for me with a lot of the sketches tonight. Amy and whoever else wrote tonight's stuff needed to trust themselves more, put themselves out there.

Of all the things he could have said, a star wasn't even in my top 50 guesses. Simply flabbergasting.

No, Zaloom really cares about that stuff. He's been politically active since before Bill Nye was Doc Brown's lab assistant.

You, sir, are one cold kakashka.

Go on …

Just need a powdered donut and we got a balanced meal!

Really, anyone superstitious. It's basically do-it-yourself fortune telling/tea leaves reading.

Seems likely, although they were all filmed in winter, with a couple of inches of snow on the ground. To be standing out in that weather for probably a couple of hours at a time must be brutal.

Cos is great, give us the chocolate cake …

Much love for Bill Nye from me as well. I admittedly was more of a Beakman's World fan though.

One of the most clever references in a while. Amy clearly has real-life love for the Cos and his classic stand-up.

In an artificial (if you catch my drift) capacity at least, they definitely exist. As for preferability, that seems likely to be a case-by-case basis.

That too.

It does have an extra k sound, and words with lots of k sounds tend to sound dirtier.

Not very prominent- practically unnoticable if they didn't blink occasionally.

Seems reasonable. Comedy Central sometimes does that with other shows, but it usually redirects to their home page.

Rachel Feinstein was my go-to in that skit.

I know. That two-minute trailer they aired during the show almost made me miss the beginning of the Weird Science sketch, I wanted to leave the room so bad.