Yeah and

It wasn't. The captions had the characters speaking named 'Cosby' and 'Theo' (quotation marks included), whereas if someone else was talking offscreen, there were no quotation marks.

I don't think so, but I can guess as to why balls might sometimes be a problem for women.

That was a great random cameo. Wonder if they just ran into him while filming and it was like, "We have to have him be a part of this."

Well, they got 'pussy' cleared (no, this show literally got the word 'pussy' cleared- I was reading an article here about it waiting for the review to go up).

And why did cock have to be blurred on the list but not dick?

This was definitely an enjoyable one. The 80's ladies stuff was good but didn't really go anywhere. Plus, Pretty Woman was early 90's, not 80's. Again, the whole universe sketch was good. Loved the Roald Dahl shout out with that BFG reference. Biggest laugh of the night for me was Amy tossing away that drink Cosby

Not the first time she's done that, I believe.

Abbi and Ilana were what did it for me. I mean, Bill Nye rocks but gotta give it up where up's due.

Yeah, it was. One of the highlights of the season.

Oh. That makes sense. Well done, whoever wrote that sketch.

More a callback to a sketch they did in Season 1 (with the same actors, I believe).

This is what you like …

Neither could the little boy playing the father. He was so awesome though!

"I'm just calling myself 'Cleo' now."

To be continued … unfortunately

And Bejamin Button was a short story first.

There were some good sketches, but no stand-outs. No Last Fuckable Day or anything along those lines.

Of those movies, Bicentennial Man was probably the best. Main problem is that it feels like it lasts a bicentennial.

Well, if there were a state in New England that fit the prototypical mold for a Southern state, it would be Maine.

No way. That'd be weird!