Yeah and

That's true.

Pretty much everybody was brillliantly cast in that sketch.

For three women to sync their schedules is harder than it sounds.

*cue Mozart's Requiem*

Still not convinced Susan Boyle's voice is more than above average. I heard it before I saw her, and wasn't terribly impressed.

Chub of reasonable length, at least.

The equivalent in the play/movie is one of the best moments as well.

Me too, but a pleasant disgusted.

Must have been born on a Tuesday.

And the sound of the door was added in post-production.

Them and Greg Giraldo. Man, they should put that show on DVD or OnDemand, or at least rerun it.

Ode To A Grecian Dildo

I have not seen it. Will check it out though- thanks for the rec.

But, that guy losing his hot dog- that was the real tragedy.

Probably a Standards and Practices thing. I think Broad City had similar issues for their pegging episode.

He needs a steady gig, that's for sure. Beyond Newsreaders, I mean. Something that features him.

I don't know why you'd want to fall asleep on her stomach. The bosom is likely softer.

No, not cute is not cute no matter how much it sucks or works. Amy Poehler is all about the laughs, whether it's marketable or not.

Great episode, great performances- love the movie it's based on. I was appalled that nobody voted for Tootie. The last season or two of Facts of Life, she really blossomed.
Also, I knew 'Modern Family' isn't funny! Every just watches it to stare at Sofia Vergara. I always felt like there was something I wasn't getting.

Damn straight!