
The showy, entertainment based churches are, (at least in the US) the most conservative. The really stuffy and traditional ones tend to be fairly middle of the road. The liberal ones tend to be about somewhat fuzzier things (and I've been to one that let people get up to debate after), but are fundamentally similar to

The kind that one might have with a black haired Stark, rather than through the mandatory incest the Targaryens practiced.

The kind that one might have with a black haired Stark, rather than through the mandatory incest the Targaryens practiced.

If they were going to have Stannis fight, they should have had him use Light-bringer.

If they were going to have Stannis fight, they should have had him use Light-bringer.

Batwoman, Animal Man, and Swamp Thing are also worth looking at.

So, I've given up on stormwatch. The original reason I subscribed was because I liked Cornell's work on Dr. Who. It hasn't been great, and now that he's off of it I'm going to give up. I'd like to start Wonder Woman in it's place. Is there a good way for me to pick up the back issues of it, or will I have to just jump

"As a black man"

I was mostly joking, but can think of several examples of yellow-face in comedy in the past five years. Balls of Fury for one. I'd assume that Todd would mention it, which is why I'm mostly joking, but it's hardly unheard of.

Is it actually a minstrel show? Is the actor that plays Han white? I'm honestly asking. I don't actually watch the show, I just like Todd's write-ups.

Well, Todd finally had a psychotic break. It was awesome.

It would look better if it was a list of "things I've stuck my dick in." Just not something you can do on TV.

Want to reply to mudderway, but can't.

You should feel guilty about not having an apostrophe in your name though.

Those people also had the foresight to sign contracts for money on the back-end. If the actors had threatened to quit back in season 10 they would have had more leverage. Doing it now is weak. Obviously they aren't going to give the actors a permanent percentage in exchange for a salary reduction in the last 2 fucking

He's not necessarily permanently cured, but he doesn't need more chemo or anything, unless it comes back.

Archer is indeed fantastic, but I am well aware of it. You reminded me that a new season is coming up though, for which I am grateful.

If I've never had anything to do with this show, is it worth watching up to a certain point, or should I just leave well enough alone?


There is no A+ in currently running shows. The difference between a B+ and an A is that an A has to be the epitome of what the show can offer.