
Profdragon, well, you sure spoiled the show in a post about disliking people spoiling the show.

It could be that it isn't impregnable to ANY signal, and the Doctor lied about it. If he knew the Silence couldn't see through it, then it wouldn't matter to him if something else could. He couldn't just refer to it as something that the Silence specifically couldn't see through, because that would tip them off.

My name is Nenene. This says Nununu!

Two someones even.

In the words of Ikkyu Soujun: "Sorry, I've prepared for everything"

The focus on sex seems odd.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that anyone that gets premium cable gets a chance to watch porn quite a bit, even if they can't work the internet. Why do they keep trying to sell the show as sexy instead of being densely plotted or exciting of whatever?

@Pun Despite common conception, reductio ad absurdum isn't a logical fallacy. It is in fact a common way to prove things false using logic. "This statement is universally true" "It produces and absurd result in this extreme condition" "I guess it's not always true then"

Firstly: The ratings are the quality of the episode compared to the rest of the show. They've said this hundreds of times on the site.

Butt dialing
That's why you mute your phone's speaker when you aren't using it. I would think a teenager would understand basic phone use.

Yeah, and she doesn't have freakishly large hands.

I want recaps. No other posters will read this, but if your goal is number of commentators, add me.

sarCCastro: Setting new records in sarcasm obliviousness.

Not to spoil anything, but Children of Earth works better if you think of it as a commentary on a specific type of SF story. Specifically the type where aliens trick humans into giving them stuff by pretending to be stronger than they are.

Children of Earth is one of the best things ever. Just saying.

I can't even remember which one is fake anymore.

I do East and West Coast swing fairly regularly, and have NEVER seen someone with a fedora other than on Halloween. Although, that may just be because the non-country swing community here is drawn from the ballroom and Latin ones.

I counted once. There were about 20 fucks in that movie.

*Owen Wilson walks out*

You do realize he's referring to the text that pops up if you mouse over the picture right? Moron.

I don't know fraihoji, I enjoyed The Village, and the twist seemed really obvious to me. It's just a fairly good movie.